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Take This Test To Know Which Smartphone Camera You Really Like The Most

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Take This Test To Know Which Smartphone Camera You Really Like The Most

Smartphones these days have so many good cameras that it's hard to make a wrong decision when choosing one. If you're like most people, you're loyal to a brand, especially if that brand is the iPhone, and you never get a chance to see what's out there. Your current smartphone isn't currently taking your favorite photos, but how will you know without marketing?

Marcus Brownlee, aka MKBHD, wants to help. At the end of each year, the MKBHD team conducts a blind smartphone camera test to see which smartphone photos people like the most. They started the tradition in 2017 with a YouTube video pitting the five best smartphones of the year against each other (without naming names), but since then the challenge has grown exponentially. The list now includes the 16 best smartphones of the year, with millions voting for their favorite.

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The purpose of blind testing is to remove the preconceived notions that many of us may have about certain brands. If you are an iPhone lover, you can choose iPhone as the best camera if you know what it is. If you like Samsung, one of the Galaxy devices could be a winner. By getting them to compare the photos as they are, you have a unique opportunity to find out which photos you really like. Of course, you can still choose which smartphone brand you own, but among our 16 smartphones, chances are you'll have an unexpected favorite.

But this year's challenge is a little different. For the past few years, MKBHD has hosted the challenge on Twitter, allowing both fans and Twitter followers to vote for their favorites right within the app. The exam for 2022 is now hosted on their website. This means that the scope of testing may be more limited than before, but the overall experience will be greatly improved.


The test is divided into three categories. Normal, which compares images to normal angles and lighting; low-light versus low-light images; Portrait mode compares the portrait capabilities of all smartphones. Each challenge lasts five to ten minutes, and you have to choose between two images at once. You can see this like an eye test. some comparisons have a clear winner, while others are more nuanced. After all, smartphone cameras are amazing.

Now you don't have to rate every photo to pick a winner. The test only requires you to decide between several comparisons before proceeding. However, the greater the number of votes, the more accurate the result. If you have time, answer as much as you can (or complete the question completely). You'll know how far you are from the progress bar displayed for each test.

You will receive an email each time you decide to complete the exam. No, this isn't a mysterious smartphone name you've never heard of. Instead, the MKBHD team assigned a unique letter to each smartphone in the test. After completing the test, they will discover which letters correspond to which phone. So stay tuned to MKBHD's YouTube channel for great exposure!

Since most of us only have one smartphone at a time and don't have the flexibility or patience to go through 16 different smartphone reviews, a blind camera test is probably the best way to see how other smartphones stack up and compare them. Who knows, you might end up choosing a $300 budget phone over a $1,000 flagship.

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Blind Smartphone Camera Test 2021

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